We got to spend last weekend at a friends lakehouse up in East Texas. They bought a house that was built in 1886 and it was like sleeping in a Texas time capsule. All the nails were square and the boards hand cut. We got to catch a ton of largemouth bass and get in some kayaking. We got done with an antique gate coffee table and it went right in step with this weekends adventure. The back of this lake had a huge spring source and a beaver dam.
We did some antique repairs for a friend recently and now they are off into the world. One was a great grandmother's garden gate turned into a custom coffee table. We did a nice rock top contemporary dining table for a client in Austin. Some custom copper caps for a historic handrail. Got a bit more done on the coming showroom! All the floors are out even in the halls and bathrooms. Now we sand and polish the concrete floors for a slick industrial look. Also did a custom aluminum rain window for an artist that will project video onto the glass. Custom furniture San Antonio.
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August 2024